Course Details

Fire Warden

This course includes the below units of competency:
PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility


These units of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to confine small emergencies in a facility and it applies to occupants who are required to have first attack firefighting skills.
It includes preparing for emergency situations, identifying and assessing an emergency, safely confining emergencies, using initial response equipment and reporting on the facility's emergency response.

Course are run on regular basis, or on request!  Flexibility around rosters, and no minimum numbers required!

Target Audience:

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Upcoming Workshops

Name Date Time Location Available Spaces Cost
Fire Warden 25 February 2025 08:30 am - 04:30 pm BUCASIA 8 $210.00